Best 10 Android Courses for Free: Master App Development without Spending a Penny


In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, Android app development has emerged as a skill of paramount importance. With the power to shape the future of mobile technology, mastering Android app development opens up a realm of possibilities for aspiring developers. Whether you’re venturing into the world of app creation for the first time or seeking to upgrade your existing skills, we’ve meticulously curated a list of the top 10 free Android courses. Get ready to embark on a transformative learning journey that won’t cost you a dime.

1. Android Basics: User Interface

Begin your Android odyssey with a course directly from Google. This foundational course focuses on the fundamentals of Android app development, with an emphasis on crafting captivating user interfaces using Kotlin, a modern and user-friendly programming language. Discover the art of building interactive apps with responsive layouts and immersive user experiences.

2. Android Fundamentals: Activities and Intents

Progress on your Android journey with an in-depth exploration of activities and intents. Activities serve as the cornerstone of Android applications, while intents facilitate seamless communication between different app components. By mastering these core concepts, you’ll adeptly navigate app navigation and create fluid user interactions.

3. Developing Android Apps with Kotlin

Udacity presents a comprehensive course that guides you through the process of constructing real-world Android apps using Kotlin. Uncover the secrets of working with databases, incorporating multimedia elements, and harnessing device sensors to create feature-rich applications that stand out in a crowded marketplace

4. Android App Development Course

Delve into the world of Android app development with an enlightening course from Udemy. This course, led by an experienced app developer, takes you through the entire journey – from setting up your development environment to publishing your app on the Google Play Store. Equip yourself with the essential skills needed to thrive as a proficient Android developer.

5. Android App Development for Beginners

Tailored for absolute beginners with no prior programming experience, this Coursera specialization is an excellent choice. Explore the basics of Java programming and Android app development under the guidance of industry experts. Through hands-on projects, you’ll gain practical insights that pave the way for your development journey.

6. Kotlin for Android: Beginner to Advanced

Focus your learning on Kotlin – a language tailor-made for Android development. This course provides a comprehensive exploration of Kotlin, from the fundamentals to advanced techniques. Explore the language’s unique features and harness its potential to create efficient and streamlined Android applications.

7. Android Developer Nanodegree

In collaboration with Google, Udacity offers a comprehensive nanodegree program that equips you with everything you need to become a certified Android developer. Covering the entire spectrum – from crafting your maiden app to tackling advanced topics like location services and notifications – this program offers a well-rounded learning experience.

8. Android Jetpack Masterclass

Immerse yourself in the world of Android Jetpack, an extensive suite of libraries and tools that elevates app development. This Udemy course delves into various Jetpack components, including Navigation, ViewModel, and Room. Empower yourself to build sturdy, maintainable, and exceptional Android apps.

9. Android App Development Course (Step by Step)

This meticulously crafted Udemy course takes you on a journey through the entire Android app development process. Gain practical experience by building diverse apps – from a weather app to a calculator and notes app. Along the way, delve into strategies for app deployment and monetization.

10. Build Your First Android App

Embark on your Android development adventure with a beginner-friendly course from Coursera. Learn to construct your inaugural Android app from the ground up using Java and Android Studio. Develop proficiency in creating layouts, handling user input, and incorporating functionality, setting the stage for your remarkable app-building journey.


Embarking on your Android app development journey has never been more accessible. With these meticulously curated free courses, tailored to learners of all levels, you can confidently march toward your development aspirations. Whether you’re laying the foundation or refining your expertise, these courses equip you with the knowledge and skills to craft innovative and captivating Android applications.

Dismiss budgetary concerns and immerse yourself in these free Android courses. Unleash your potential, chart your path to becoming a seasoned Android developer, and all this without parting with a single penny.


This blog post was written by Vaibhav Wable, a Service Head at Telphatech.

You can find Vaibhav Wable on LinkedIn at Vaibhav Wable.

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